Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Wintry Mix

This was me in between shots trying to stay warm!
**Before you read anymore I want to apologize for the picture quality, I used my old camera instead of my new one. I was afraid to take my brand new camera out in this weather so I used my old digital one! On the other hand I did freeze my butt off getting these pictures for you all so enjoy!**
So I am completely aware that these shoes don't match but I could not go barefoot! (I tried and after 10 seconds I could not go anymore!) Today for the first time in years it snowed! I was so excited because it meant no school and that I would get to do a snow post! I definitely took advantage of the snow all day-I changed outfits so many times to ensure I would get multiple blog post out of this rare day. The other outfits are "winter appropriate" so I look forward to sharing those in the next couple of weeks!
For some insane reason I decided to throw on a dress and take my chances with frost bite! This dress which I bought at JCPenney is a lovely blue which really popped in this late night snow. I usually wear this dress on a warm summer day poolside but I switched a lovely blue pool for a blanket of white! I honestly had a blast shooting these pictures, while they are not as clear as I hoped they are still hilarious!
Dress- JCPenney $16


  1. Oh come on, you could've rocked some sandals! Wasn't that cold!

  2. Maybe next time;) Lets not push it!

  3. Cute dress! Would you like to follow each other?

