Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Floppy Hat Project

Floppy Hat - $3 Claire's    Jumper- $4 Sears     Shirt - $5 Goodwill
"a floppy hat is always in season..."

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Weekend Trip

I had such a great time in Florida! Daytona beach was so beautiful , filled with fresh crisp air, seagulls flying all around and some extremely high winds which meant cold weather, no swimming for me!The wind almost did steal my jacket from my bare hands when I took it off for a quick second!
Well I must say I rocked those black heels on the beach! When I was on the sidewalk I checked and saw the whole bottom of my shoe was covered in sand but it was so worth it. Surprisingly this was my first time wearing anything but flip flops on the beach.
Well I hope you enjoyed your Turkey Day ( and if you don't celebrate it then I hope you had a great day!)
Tip of the day: It doesn't matter where you are you can make the best of every situation.
Outfit 1: Dress- JCPenny- $7
Sunglasses- Walmart - $0.93
Outfit 2- Jacket- Lord and Taylor- (goodwill) -$2.50
Shoes- goodwill- $6
Jeans- JCPenny- $20
Necklace- Rainbow-$3
PS- you will see these outfits again in later post but I still wanted to show them on the beach.