Tuesday, January 07, 2014


I finally got the chance to try out my new tripod! Bored out of my mind with nothing to do but bundle up and escape the below freezing outdoors, so I decided to blog. I was really debating whether or not to do this in color but I decided to do it in black and white and title it "T-R-A-P-P-E-D". Trapped from what? The outdoors,my own mind, the world around me? Instead of me bluntly stating what this post is about I would rather you , my viewer, decipher it for yourself. Be creative and comment below what you think this post could be about. Could all the answers be right...? We will see, so enjoy my official first post of the new year!


  1. Love the way you made it black and white, I don't think the effect would've been the same if it were in color. Your poses are amazing but maybe if you could get some different ones that way you change it up and you can pick from a variety. I think the way you did your hair and worked in the fur was incredible!! And I can't wait to see your next post!!

  2. Nice work and love the name too. Waiting to see more :)

  3. Thank you so much! I am very glad I decided to go with the black and white. I am aware that my facial expressions are rather similar, but I am happy to say I have been researching poses and new ideas so I can have a variety of faces :)
    Kristyn Alexandra

  4. Thank you Anoop I appreciate that! Can you guess what the title is about? Cant wait to show more post...just keep an eye out:)
